Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Mindset of Purging.....


My motivation to purge is almost non-existent.... It comes and goes... We are set in our minds to live this life on the road, yet we are still stuck in the rut of this sticks & bricks house..... 

Work, eat, sleep, kids to school, youngest kid taken care of, older kids back & forth..... Work, eat, sleep, yadda yadda yadda...... 

I have accomplished several closets. There is a stack of junk to sell at a yard-sale .. I ABHOR yard-sales .. Love to go to them, HATE HATE HATE to have them..... 

My life would be so much simpler if someone would just offer me a lump sum of a decent amount to come get this junk and carry it off for me.... 

As we purge our lives (does that sound dramatic enough?), we (actually just ME) are hit with some thoughts.... 

Doubts enter now:

  • What if we cannot make it work on the road? 
  • What happens if we run out of money?
  • What do we do it our rig breaks down?
  • How to we handle medical issues?
  • Will the kids be able to adjust?
  • How will the kids have friends?
  • Our family is going to KILL US! 

The focus is on purging for now.... I still have tons of work to do and I have issues to deal with... Like...
I do not want to sell our brand new living room furniture or our wonderful brand new king size bed for fear we decide this is not for us and when we return home we have NOTHING..... 

I shouldn't have the thought of failing & I should not be thinking this may not working, but I am the practical one and I want something to come home too if we come home........ 

My mother-in-law is allowing us to store stuff at her house... so we are luckily in the fact that I will be able to keep my bed, living room furniture, and some other items that MUST BE KEPT....  

Now reality kicks in, we have 2 months to rid our junk, get our saved stuff to MIL's and all I can think is how the hell are we going to get all this done????  

My brain is a mess..... 

Homeschooling Prep is Confusing...... Wait, scratch that.......

So, in prepping for our launch, we are researching different Homeschooling options for J-Man. We want to begin homeschooling him in the fall so when we hit the road in January, we have a schedule in place and his schooling is underway......

I never knew that preparing for homeschooling would be such a headache for us. Maybe I am making it out to be more difficult than it truly is but goodness, I cannot seem to wrap my head around all the do's and don'ts of the process.

We have spoken with K12 and like the "free" part of the program but because this program is government driven, then we would have to have J-Man back in the Spring to physically take tests. The whole idea of going on the road is to be out and about without the requirements of having to come back at required times.

When we research the other options, I find that for the State of SC, we HAVE to sign up with a Homeschool Association. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Why do you go away?

“Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.” ― Terry Pratchett, A Hat Full of Sky

E, E-Diva, J-Man, and T, the stars in this play!