Saturday, March 30, 2013

Homeschooling Prep is Confusing...... Wait, scratch that.......

So, in prepping for our launch, we are researching different Homeschooling options for J-Man. We want to begin homeschooling him in the fall so when we hit the road in January, we have a schedule in place and his schooling is underway......

I never knew that preparing for homeschooling would be such a headache for us. Maybe I am making it out to be more difficult than it truly is but goodness, I cannot seem to wrap my head around all the do's and don'ts of the process.

We have spoken with K12 and like the "free" part of the program but because this program is government driven, then we would have to have J-Man back in the Spring to physically take tests. The whole idea of going on the road is to be out and about without the requirements of having to come back at required times.

When we research the other options, I find that for the State of SC, we HAVE to sign up with a Homeschool Association. 

I sat in the parking lot of a local bookstore yesterday and typed the above. They were not open yet and I had the above on my mind so I typed away....... 

The bookstore is a Homeschool Bookstore. It was awesome as were the people inside and as the above mentions I was getting a headache from researching all this homeschool stuff.... I now know I am able to do it with the help of Sandy at Welcome to Lifelong Learning Resources and Children's Books Inc.  Thank you Sandy! 

I have the information now to join a local Homeschool Association which is not going to cost an arm and a leg. I also, know we have to choose a curriculum for our application process and I feel much more comfortable moving forward. 

One step closer to our Dream! 

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